A Fever & A Baby

"Fever" and "Baby", are definately are two words that shouldn't go together, especially for the first time! And in true new mom fashion, I panicked.  It was Thursday morning, I was helping my grandmother by taking her to her optometrist appointment. It was there that I felt …

If you need us this summer, this is where we will be.

This morning I did not hear the phone ring, or remember Tony waking up to get it, all I remember is Penelope 'baby-talking' through out the night. At one point I woke up somewhere between midnight and 3 am, to feed her because I could hear her making noises.. to my surprise she was still as…

Canada Day Long Weekend

I know it has been a little quiet around here lately. P and I have been enjoying every single day together, we like to wake up early every morning and either take a nice long walk or sit out on our back deck and listen to the birds, squirrels and other sounds that speak for these summer days.  Penel…
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