There are some days you feel like superwoman

There are days you want to sit at home all day, then there are days like today. Which also happens to be the last Sunday of the entire year, and so far one hell of a good one! First, T woke up in the best mood (surprisingly since he didn’t sleep that long), and then he made us some sausages for breakfast, and a big ol’ cup of coffee each. 
Yesterday, one of my friends invited me to workout with her and her trainer mom at a local gym. I jumped at the chance to get in a good sweat, not knowing what I had signed myself up for. Me being 32 weeks and 6 days pregnant, feeling more like a beached whale; did a whole workout this morning and I feel like a real live superhero!! Superwoman who? 

If y0u want to give this workout a try this is the exact workout she created for me this morning (Just make sure if you are pregnant, that a doctor says it is okay before you attempt this).  

5 min row warm up 

Repeat 10 times. 

5 sets of 2-5 rep 115 lbs (or whatever your comfortable with ) squats. 

Excuse my face. I look like I am about to give birth right then and there.  

Sometimes you have to do something for yourself that is emotionally and physically healthy. One thing I consistently gain from working out is that I am genuinely happier, and I sleep better at night. I make sure I follow the workout with a protein shake, and veggestential has a really good one safe for pregnancy and packed with tha goods! 


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