Penelope's First Halloween

Halloween was almost a week ago now, and I'm just getting around to posting pictures from Penelope's first halloween. The morning of 'All Hallow's Eve' we arranged to go to visit my parents on The Island, and take her Trick-or-Treating from their place. We live kind of far from the nearest town, and the majority of the houses around us are cottages. So we figured it would be the best for her to go somewhere we knew she would get lots of candy. '

Our little Bambi was so well behaved all evening! The cutest last minute costume for dad was such a success. I loved how proud he was carrying Penelope from door to door, while I carried the bag of candy right behind them. 

We started off Trick-or-Treating from my grandmas where we met up with the other grandkid's who were all dressed up from a Police Man, Sugar Skull and an Ewok. 

I had to make sure I took pictures of our little Ewok! Kodaks costume was so fitting for him. 

Later that evening everyone meets at the Recreation Centre on Christian Island, and there is judging for all the costumes in different age groups.
Tony took Penelope up, and no surprise they WON! I'm so happy I took pictures of them this night, to be able to look back one day to Penelope's first halloween!


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